Monday, September 17, 2012

Dipangkar's World


I am Dipangkar Malla Baruah. People call me by different names. I am more known as Rinku among my relatives and dear & near ones. My friends in engineering college used to call me Bodi. There is an interesting story behind it. I used to go to the college gym. One of my classmates Vijayant used to tease me for my accents. Once when he asked me where I was going I told him"For body building". I pronounced the word body like bodi, it was like how bengalis call sister-in-law. From that day Vijayant started calling me Bodi and I became known as Bodi in the campus. Many of my classmates from VRCE still call me "Bodi" and truly speaking, I like it. It reminds me of the good old days I spent with my friends in VRCE campus. 

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