Monday, October 15, 2012

My Goal

When I ask myself, what is my aim in life, there is a strong appeal from inside that always inspire me. The appeal is to become a writer. It was natural for me to pick up writing when I was very young. Poetry was my first love. I used to write for my school and college magazines and got wonderful responses from the readers.  I had shifted my interest to writing short stories when I was in college. I wrote some wonderful short stories, but I think I have many things to learn on story telling. I did not pursue my interest in writing with lots of zeal and interest and as a result, I lost  my touch a bit. I am always inspired by Mayur, who has already established himself as a prominent writer in Assam.

I imagine myself becoming a writer too. I have the required ability and interest to become a writer. I want to write about the things that can change people's life. I imagine myself in the company of the literary stalwarts of Assam and I am sure by the grace of God, I am going to achieve it.

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