Monday, October 15, 2012

I have completed 10 days of my return to well logging department. I do not know where I stand now in my career. After my MBA, did I miss the bus to take the advantage of the course that I did?

I have confidence in my abilities. I am going through a transformation process. I believe that if I have abilities to do good work for my company, no body can afford to stop me from achieving higher success.

I have to go out and talk to people rather than wasting my time in unfruitful activities. My goal is to improve and move ahead. I have to do something noteworthy every day.

My Goal

When I ask myself, what is my aim in life, there is a strong appeal from inside that always inspire me. The appeal is to become a writer. It was natural for me to pick up writing when I was very young. Poetry was my first love. I used to write for my school and college magazines and got wonderful responses from the readers.  I had shifted my interest to writing short stories when I was in college. I wrote some wonderful short stories, but I think I have many things to learn on story telling. I did not pursue my interest in writing with lots of zeal and interest and as a result, I lost  my touch a bit. I am always inspired by Mayur, who has already established himself as a prominent writer in Assam.

I imagine myself becoming a writer too. I have the required ability and interest to become a writer. I want to write about the things that can change people's life. I imagine myself in the company of the literary stalwarts of Assam and I am sure by the grace of God, I am going to achieve it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My kids

Kuhi has come back from school. These days I am not going to office regularly as I have almost completed my task of preparing the project report. When she finds me home, she becomes very enthusiastic and happy. As my wife is also working, the children feel our absence and any extra day we are home, they are very happy. My daughter does not let me go out for anything if she finds me at home after coming from school. My maid complains that when Kuhi finds me at home, she becomes disobedient to the maid. But I know how happy she is to spend an extra afternoon with me.
The children grow up really fast. It is really hard to understand when they grow up. Kuhi was such a small kid not so long ago and now she can reprimand me if I do something wrong. 
My son Niyor is quite different. Every morning I have to break his sleep and wake him up for school which he does not like. He does not talk much with me. He needs me when he has to play.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dipangkar's World


I am Dipangkar Malla Baruah. People call me by different names. I am more known as Rinku among my relatives and dear & near ones. My friends in engineering college used to call me Bodi. There is an interesting story behind it. I used to go to the college gym. One of my classmates Vijayant used to tease me for my accents. Once when he asked me where I was going I told him"For body building". I pronounced the word body like bodi, it was like how bengalis call sister-in-law. From that day Vijayant started calling me Bodi and I became known as Bodi in the campus. Many of my classmates from VRCE still call me "Bodi" and truly speaking, I like it. It reminds me of the good old days I spent with my friends in VRCE campus. 

Some thoughts on the day of Viswakarma Puja

I am joining Well Logging Department on 1st October, 2012. It will be a new beginning for me in the department. I am going to bring some positive changes to the department.
When Head Personnel told me sometimes back that I have to join my parent department after completion of my project, I was not surprised. It did not create any kind of negative feeling in me. When I was going through my studies in MDI, many a times it came to my mind that I can bring changes to my department with my learning. When I was going through my learning sessions, I always tried to correlate my learning with my experiences and it really helped. My only experience is in Well Logging Department. So it came to my mind that I may be able to bring some changes to the way we work in Well Logging Department with my new learning. When I was told that I have to go back to the department, I thanked God for giving me an opportunity to make my dreams come true.
Today, I was really touched by the attachments that the workmen showed to me. They remember so many things from the past. Good words that I said to them and helps that I offered to them are fondly remembered by them. Some of them even I failed to recollect. It was a wonderful experience for me when I came to know how much they love and respect me. That is my treasure. I am fortunate that I will have a chance to work with these people again and I am confident that I will be able to bring some positive changes for them.
One of the main areas where I have to give my attention is building the communication bridge. It was hurting to see that the gap between the workers and the engineers had widened. This gap has to be reduced at any cost. I have some plans in my mind which I am sure will help me to bridge the gaps. From my interactions I understood that the workers feel alienated when they see that they even don’t know the names of the new engineers and do not recognize them. It is also a failure of the senior people in the department that the juniors are not properly groomed. I observed that there is a cultural shift taking place. The new incumbents no longer feel that they have to gel up with the people in the workshop. I asked myself why this cultural shift is taking place. One of the reasons may be that they the new generation people feel that they need not learn anything from the workers as they can easily learn from the internet. Another aspect may be that they are too busy in their involvement in internet and other activities and they do not consider mixing with the workmen as an important task. Again, the senior people should come forward to guide the juniors so that the existing bond between the workers and the officers do not break down. The reason why the senior people are not doing their part in this may be the feeling of frustration and lack of motivation. The absence of challenges and lack of recognition of the hard work of the people are some important factors that are demotivating people in the department. This is a hard nut to crack. But we should strive to create such an environment within the department in which everyone feels important and derive pleasure from his work.
I appreciate the feeling of camaraderie and fellow feeling shown by S N Singh sir when he invited some of us in the department for a couple of drinks and snacks. It was really a nice gesture shown by him and the way he made the gathering lively is appreciable.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Viswakarma Puja....the puja to the God of construction and engineering in Hindu mythology observed and celebrated all over India. The puja is unique as it almost always fall on 17th September, following the English calender.